
Taking insights in house - webinar overview

Written by Cambri | Feb 10, 2023 9:49:41 AM

This article is about our webinar on Taking insights in house: The key to agile decision-making  

Taking your insights in house might seem daunting but it's actually easier than you think. Not only do you get faster results that allow you to make informed decisions more quickly, becoming more involved in the process lets you get under your customers’ skin to understand better what they want, what they need and what they think. 

In this webinar, Sean Durkan, Global Insight Manager at Royal Swinkels Family Brewers talks us through his experience of tackling insight work in house and the positive impact it's had on the company. Read on or watch the recording here.

You’ll learn how to: 

  • Cut out the middleman – Discover how bringing your insight work in house can increase your project capacity, boost turnover and lower costs, all without sacrificing quality
  • Shake things up – Create a cultural shift where even more hypotheses get tested so you can make better informed decisions faster
  • Dive into the unknown – Tips and tricks to stay on track when performing your own insight tasks 


00:04:05 What’s on the menu? 

Host Dani Kamras gives an overview of what will be discussed during the session.

00:05:50 Question time 

Dani asks the audience to participate in a couple of polls to find out what would encourage more people to do insights in house and what might prevent them from trying. 

00:08:35 Meet our speaker 

Dani introduces Sean Durkan, Global Insight Manager at Royal Swinkels Family Brewers. Sean talks us through his background and explains that although he has been working at Swinkels since 2010, he has been working in an insights role for less than a year. 

00:11:30 About Swinkels 

Sean gives us an overview of Royal Swinkels Family Brewers, a family run business that has been around for over 300 years. One of the largest independent brewers in Europe, they have a large portfolio of beers that they produce for different styles and brands.

00:12:35 Swinkels in numbers 

Sean presents some important facts and figures so we’ll have a better understanding of what it meant to the company when he decided to move insights in house. 

00:14:30 What to consider before internalising insights 

We hear firsthand from Sean about what he hoped to achieve from the insights process but also what he was afraid of and thought could be potential blockers. 

00:19:05 What to consider before internalising insights 

Referring back to the main points mentioned in the agenda, Sean and Dani discuss the positive impact so far on the company culture, the role of insights within the company and the insights team, albeit a one-man insights team for now! 

00:28:16 Advice for being successful in your insights tasks 

We take a look at what you should keep in mind before diving in, as well as what kind of projects to try, what tools to use and, maybe most importantly, why. 

00:33:40 Which Cambri tests has Sean used so far 

We hear firsthand from Sean about what he hoped to achieve from the insights process but also what he was afraid of and thought could be potential blockers. We take a look at the tests he’s been able to carry out alone in under one year and the costs involved. 

00:39:02 New product development process  

Sean and Dani compare the process of creating a new product before and after using in-house insights and discuss the many benefits it’s had for Swinkels as a whole. 

00:45:53 Key takeaways and tips 

Our speakers end the session with a list of tips and tricks to keep in mind and a short Q&A with the audience.